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We rely on generous gifts from individuals, as well as foundation grants and public sector funds to serve Minnesotans who are blind, low vision or have a print-related disability.

Why Donate?

For the blind and low vision, our services are nothing short of life-changing. They help people be more independent, to continue their education, and to be a fully connected part of their communities.

  • Your financial gifts to the Communication Center help ensure that Minnesota's blind and low vision citizens have access to the same newspapers, novels, textbooks, manuals and other materials as sighted Minnesotans have.
  • Seniors are our largest and fastest-growing population of consumers. About 80 percent of our consumers will be age 55 and older. We raise extra money to serve this growing population, because most of the federal dollars we receive are designated for job training for working-age clients.
  • Students with learning disabilities also increasingly need our services. State and federal funds available to cover services for the blind and low vision are not available for those with learning disabilities.

How Can I Contribute my Financial Support?

We've established a special fund at The Saint Paul Foundation to accept your tax deductible contributions.

  • Check with your employer to see whether your company will match your gift.
  • Make a gift by check or credit card.
  • Honor a loved one or family member.
  • Remember us in your will or estate.
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