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Drive for 5 Subcommittees

Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan are investing in Minnesota's economic future by recruiting and retaining workers, empowering employers to grow their businesses, and making sure Minnesota is creating the jobs of the future right here at home. The One Minnesota Budget invests in everything from agriculture to workforce training to clean energy jobs to make sure Minnesota continues to be competitive in a global economy.

The GWDB is playing a role in this initiative by convening subcommittees focused on five of the most critical occupational categories in the state with high-growth jobs and family-sustaining wages:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Subcommittee
  • Caring Professions Subcommittee
  • Education Subcommittee
  • Technology Subcommittee
  • Trades Subcommittee

Suggested Goals/Outputs for Sector Partnership Subcommittees

  • Address top talent needs: Identify top 6-8 occupations in each sector with DEED LMI, current and projected demands based on each occupation and geography, and work with employers to determine top 2-3 occupations to focus on
  • Identifying supporting programs: Identify the currently funded programs supporting each occupation and determine where targeted funding is needed to support program revisions or expansion, with a focus on where existing community need is the greatest
  • Career pathway development: Define skill, competency and credential needs and career pathways for each occupation with multiple on & off ramps and work-based learning or OJT embedded
  • Targeted populations: Define targeted populations for each sector, identify potential barriers to employment, and community-based organizations who could support recruitment and retention of each population
  • Make recommendations on incorporating the work of the committee into WIOA state and local/regional plans
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