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Point Source Implementation Grants

Program Overview

The Point Source Implementation grant program provides grants to units of local government to assist with the cost of water infrastructure projects necessary to:

  • Meet wasteload reductions prescribed under a total maximum daily load (TMDL) plan required by Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act
  • Reduce the discharge of total phosphorus to one milligram per liter or less
  • Meet any other water quality-based effluent limit established under section Minn. Stat. Sec. 115.03 subd 1, (e)(8), that is incorporated into a permit issued by MPCA that exceeds secondary treatment limits
  • Meet a total nitrogen concentration or mass limit that requires discharging ten milligrams per liter or less at a permitted design flow.

The grants are for 80 percent of eligible costs up to a maximum of $7 million.

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