Cities, counties, townships, sanitary districts or other governmental subdivisions responsible for water treatment are eligible.
Applicants meeting USDA Rural Development eligibility requirements apply directly to Rural Development.
Applicants not meeting Rural Development requirements apply directly to the PFA as part of an application for a Clean Water Revolving Fund loan.
Minimum Requirements
Projects must be included on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Project Priority List. Non-Rural Development projects must also be on the PFA's Intended Use Plan. Projects must be certified by the MPCA before the PFA may approve financing for the project.
A municipality must apply to all other grant funding sources for which the project is eligible before it may receive assistance through the Water Infrastructure Fund.
Municipalities receiving WIF funds must annually deposit a minimum of 50 cents per 1,000 gallons of flow for major rehabilitation, expansion or replacement of the treatment system at the end of its useful life.
Eligible Costs
Eligible costs are those necessary to meet a municipality's existing water treatment needs. Costs related to future residential, commercial and industrial growth are not eligible.
Assistance Amounts
For the Water projects, municipalities not receiving funding from Rural Development may receive a WIF grant in conjunction with a CWRF loan when the average per household system costs exceed 1.4% of median household income.
For Drinking water projects, municipalities not receiving funding from Rural Development may receive a WIF grant in conjunction with a DWRF loan when the average per household system costs exceed 1.2% of median household income.
The maximum WIF grant may not exceed $5 million or $20,000 per connection, whichever is less.
Funds Reserved
Each fiscal year the PFA identifies potentially eligible projects based on their ranking on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Priority Project List and available project information.
Funds are reserved in priority order when projects receive a funding commitment from USDA Rural Development or submits plans and specifications to the MPCA. Funds are reserved in an amount based on the project cost estimate at the time the funds are appropriated and awarded in an amount based on that estimate or the as-bid costs, whichever is less.
Funds are disbursed monthly, as costs are incurred.
Applications Accepted
Applicants eligible for Rural Development funding must apply directly to Rural Development. Non-Rural Development projects must request placement on the Clean Water Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan and follow the PFA's loan application process.
Reports to the Legislature
Download the PFA's 2024 Estimated Funding Needs Report (PDF) to the Legislature.
Project Info Worksheet
WIF grants are calculated based on the average cost per household of the wastewater or drinking water system, including costs for operation and maintenance, existing debt service, and the new project. The Project Information Worksheet is used to help collect important information to determine WIF grant eligibility.
For More Information
Contact Jennie Brown at 651-259-7469.
General Contacts
Contact Information
MN Public Facilities Authority
1st National Bank Building, Suite W820
332 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101-1378
Fax: 651-296-8833
Staff Contact Information
Jeff Freeman, Executive Director
Karin Berkholtz, Deputy Director
Jennie Brown, Compliance Coordinator
Steve Walter, Chief Financial Officer
Melissa Ralph, Accounting Officer
Melissa Wilwert, Fiscal and Administrative Specialist
Kathe Barrett, Senior Loan Officer
Angela Berrens, Senior Loan Officer
Mary Jane Schultz, Senior Loan Officer
Peter Bradshaw, Senior Loan Officer
Drew Brooksbank, Senior Loan Officer
Paul Perez, Senior Loan Officer
Pete Montoya, Senior Loan Officer
Regional Contacts
Match a region with the contacts to find the PFA staff member assigned to your area.