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Minnesota Business First Stop

Minnesota Business First StopLicensing, permitting and regulatory matters. Minnesota Business First Stop cuts through the thicket of state bureaucracy, programs, and services to find the right information and resources to help meet your development goals.

The Right People, the Right Answers, the Right Time

Our interagency team offers permitting and regulatory expertise and assists complex business location and expansion projects by working closely with business leaders and their site selection, permitting and environmental consultants.

The Department of Employment and Economic Development coordinates Minnesota Business First Stop, bringing together representatives from the following state agencies:

  • The Department of Agriculture
  • The Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources
  • The Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation
  • The Department of Labor and Industry
  • The Department of Natural Resources
  • The Department of Revenue
  • The Department of Transportation
  • The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

We Can Help at Any Stage

We help companies at any stage of development, from new ideas to business startups to established companies with products and services ready to market. But the sooner we hear from you, the better able we are to help.

Submit this Electronic Inquiry Form and we'll contact you.

More Information

Moving Minnesota Forward: FY 2024 - 2025 Budget and Policy Changes

Minnesota Business First Stop Fact Sheet

Contact Us

Call 1-855-893-2099 or e-mail

Contact the Business Development Office

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