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  • Inner Life, Sundays @ 5 AM.
  • Your Personal World, Saturdays @ 1 PM.


  • How to Live a Good Life: a guide to choosing your personal philosophy. Skye Cleary. Audio. Philosophers present thoughts on an examined and meaningful life. Perspectives range over both Eastern and Western schools of philosophy, the four major religions, and contemporary philosophies.
  • The History of Philosophy. A. C. Grayling. Audio. Looks at worldviews and moralities before the age of the Buddha, Confucius, and Socrates through Christianity's capture of the European mind, from the Renaissance and Enlightenment on to Mill, Nietzsche, Sartre and, finally, philosophy today.
  • The Art of Happiness: a handbook for living. Bstan-dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama. Audio, Braille. Following the Dalai Lama, psychiatrist presents the Buddhist leader's methods for maintaining happiness. The Dalai Lama's basic belief is hope and connectedness. He offers genuine and lasting inner peace through trust in the fundamental gentleness and goodness of all human beings, compassion, and a policy of kindness.
  • Belief in God in an Age of Science. J. C. Polkinghorne. Audio, Braille. The author traces the similarities of methods used by scientists and theologians. His topics include natural theology, divine action in the physical world, and prospects for future dialog that will include all religious traditions, not just those of the Abrahamic faiths.
  • Is it too Controversial? be enlightened by my deeper understanding of the meaning of life: a collection of philosophical essays. Cheryl Cusick. Audio. Collection of philosophical essays. Since adolescence, Jamie Lynn has struggled with Friedreich's Ataxia, a life-threatening neurological disease, which has given her a unique perspective on life.
  • The Meaning of Life: a short introduction. Terry Eagleton. Audio. Does life have an intrinsic significance to be discovered, or do we invest life with our own sense of purpose? Explores serious and comic approaches to the existential query, examining many works of philosophy and literature through the centuries, and supports continued attempts to find common meanings.
  • Almost Everything: notes on hope. Anne Lamott. Audio, Large Print. Presents a guide to finding moments of hope and joy even when the world and relationships around you are depressing and exhausting. Chapter titles include "Puzzles," "Humans 101," "Unplugged," and "Hands of Time."
  • The Second Mountain: the quest for a moral life. David Brooks. Audio, Large Print. Quest for a meaningful life, most concentrate on climbing the mountain of worldly success and personal happiness. But there is a second mountain, where the focus moves from self-centered to other-centered.
  • See What I'm Saying: the extraordinary powers of our five senses. Lawrence Rosenblum. Audio. Psychologist explores brain science and the perceptual abilities of our five senses. Examines the strength and subtlety of our powers of perception by relating individual accounts, including those of blind mountain bikers who use echolocation to lead excursions.
  • Who Are We?: theories of human nature. Lois P. Pojman. Audio. Explores major theories in Western philosophy and religion, along with several traditions in Eastern thought. The most comprehensive work of its kind, the volume opens with chapters on the Hebrew/Christian view of human nature and the contrasting classical Greek theories, outlining a dichotomy between faith and reason that loosely frames the rest of the book.
  • I See a Voice: deafness, language and the senses - a philosophical history. Jonathan Rée. Braille. In this tour de force of historical narrative, Jonathan Rée tells the astonishing story of the deaf, from the sixteenth century to the present. Rée explores the great debates about deafness between those who believed the deaf should be made to speak and those who advocated non-oral communication.

Links to Subject Headings from the Catalog

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