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Mission and Philosophy


To facilitate the achievement of vocational and personal independence by Minnesotans who are blind, visually impaired, or DeafBlind.


Blindness is a natural part of the human experience. It is a characteristic, like the hundreds of others that, taken together, mold each of us into a unique human being. People who are blind are a cross-section of society as a whole, mirroring society in every way with the same hopes, interests and desires, the same dreams, abilities and potential as everyone else. Most all the physical limitations associated with blindness can be overcome by learning and using alternative techniques for doing without sight what you would do with sight. With appropriate education, training, and opportunity, persons who are blind can achieve in the world of work. They can be independent in their homes and communities. They can have and take care of a family, and be tax paying and participating citizens. They can in every way be contributing members of society who can compete equally with sighted neighbors. Everyone has different dreams and expectations, attitudes, and aptitudes, potential and possibilities — so an important ingredient to our programs is customer choice. Our job is to encourage high expectations and independence and provide the services needed to achieve customer goals while respecting customer choice. Success depends greatly on the effort and commitment by the customer.

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