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Employment and Career Services

If you have vision loss, are blind, or DeafBlind, we can assist you in finding a job, advancing your career, or keeping the job you have.

We offer a variety of counseling, training, job skills, and job placement services.

These services vary according to individual needs. SSB counselors work with you to determine which services you will need to reach your job goals. Together you then develop a plan for reaching that goal.

For more information, call 651-539-2300.


Apply for services from an employment and career counselor, read our resource guide, and get assistive technology for work.

Evolve: VR, a Comprehensive Plan to Strengthen SSB

Evolve: VR (vocational rehabilitation) is a multi-year systemic change initiative to redesign our vocational rehabilitation services to better meet the needs of current and future customers of our program.

Self-Employment through the Business Enterprises Program

Qualified legally blind Minnesotans can become self-employed vending machine business owners through the Minnesota Business Enterprises Program.

Community Partners

Find a community partner focused on employment, career growth, and job retention.

Our Staff

Get in touch with one of our staff members.

Living with Vision Loss

Losing your vision can seem overwhelming at first, but you are not alone. We'll help you assess your needs and work with you to determine the best ways to meet your goals.

Request More Information

Interested in SSB services? Fill out a short form to connect with SSB staff. Services include employment, assistance for seniors, and accessible materials through our Communication Center. Read about any of these programs through the links on this website.

Disability Minnesota

Find information on more than 100 state agencies, products, programs, and services.

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