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Committee Structure

All Council members are asked to serve on at least one committee and are encouraged to be the chair. It is helpful for Council members to serve on two committees during their appointment term. Committee membership applications must be submitted by July 15 to the appointed chair of the SRC-B.

Please include your first and second committee choice and if you are interested in being the committee chair. Below are the committees and task force opportunities open for your consideration. There are at least two SSB staff that serve on each of the committees. Visit the SRC-B Committee page for a list of staff and committee members.

General Information - Applies to All Committees


Members shall serve for a term of one year, commencing September 1 and ending August 31.

Ground Rules and Record

All meetings are open to the public. Members shall respect the rights of other members, and as appropriate the public, to be heard and to offer perspectives on issues germane to the committee. Recommendations will be made by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached by committee members, then all sides of the issue will be presented by the committee chairperson to the Council chairperson for guidance. Notice of meetings and minutes of all committee meetings shall be posted on the SSB Web site. In addition, meeting notices shall be communicated by the chair of each committee to the chairperson of the Council and to the Council's staff support.

Meeting minutes and meeting notices shall be provided to any person upon request and in their preferred format. SSB staff is responsible for developing, maintaining, and distributing meeting minutes. Minutes of committee meetings and recommendations to the full SRC-B shall be provided in a timely manner, allowing for deliberate consideration. Committees shall meet at least four times per committee term, or the committee chair shall provide to the Council chairperson a written description of the circumstances preventing this from occurring.


The committee is to work in cooperation with other SRC-B committees, members of the blind and deafblind communities, stakeholders, and the staff of SSB to realize its charge.

Level of Authority

The committee makes recommendations to the SRC-B regarding issues consistent with its charge.


The committee shall request of the SRC-B those resources it feels are needed to accomplish its charge. The SRC-B shall budget in its Resource Plan sufficient support, in terms of both staff and other expenditures, for the committee to accomplish its charge. SSB shall ensure the provision of those resources determined necessary and appropriate by the SRC-B.

SRC-B Committees Page (Link opens in new browser window)

Communication Center Committee

Exists to help SSB improve and expand the services of the Communication Center for blind, visually impaired, and deafblind persons.

Customer Satisfaction & Goals and Priorities Committee

Exists to carry out specific duties contained in federal regulation for the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program.

DeafBlind Committee

Exists to support and advise SSB regarding its services to individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing and blind/visually impaired.

Employment Committee

Exists to provide advice and propose strategies to increase the quantity and quality of employment outcomes for individuals served through the state vocational rehabilitation services for the blind system.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Exists to recommend specific strategies for increasing and improving services to individuals from minority backgrounds.

Senior Services Committee

Exists to assist SSB to improve and expand services to blind, visually impaired, or deafblind Minnesotans who are not interested in employment.

Transition Services Committee

Provides specific advice and counsel regarding services to transition-age youth (ages 14 – 21).

Community Partner Outcomes and Measures Committee

Exists to support and advise SSB regarding measuring the outcomes realized by the recipients of training in adjustment to blindness and technology.

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