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Adjustment to Blindness (ATB) Satisfaction Survey

State Services for the Blind (SSB) measures customer satisfaction with Adjustment to Blindness (ATB) training and training providers. SSB posts a new report every six months to help customers make an informed choice when selecting ATB vendors and to help vendors improve their services.

Surveying began in April 2006 and continues yearly. Issues and Answers, an independent survey company, interviews ATB customers who receive services from community rehabilitation programs and individual vendors three months after receiving them, or at closure, whichever comes first. The interviews are done over the phone. Numerical data is posted on ATB providers for whom at least five survey responses were completed and for whom there was a 70 percent response rate. Contact SSB at 800-652-9000 for a print copy or an alternative format.

January 2022 to June 2022

January 2020 to July 2020

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