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American Council of the Blind Minnesota (ACBM)

Who We Are

We are a diverse group of people with wide varieties of visual disability including total blindness and legal blindness. We also welcome members who are fully sighted and share concerns about blindness issues. We range in experience of blindness from people who have never seen to those adapting to blindness developing later in life.

We honor the rights of members to choose their preferred means of travel, from use of guide dogs or the white cane to sighted guides. We enjoy having fun when socializing at quarterly meetings, monthly coffee outings and picnics in the summer!

ACBM is affiliated with the American Council of the Blind, an advocacy organization, headquartered in Washington, D. C. consisting of blind and visually impaired individuals from the United States and abroad. The mission of ACB: "The American Council of the Blind (ACB) is a national organization of blind, visually impaired and sighted individuals whose purpose is to work toward independence, security, equality of opportunity, and improved quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people."

What We've Done

  • Persisted in making Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) available.
  • Worked with others in the disability community to get audio description in movie and live performance theaters.
  • Developed and implemented the Metro Mobility same day premium service, allowing use of taxis when needed on short notice.
  • Worked with ophthalmologists to educate them about available blindness resources.
  • Worked to educate all members of the public about issues important to people who are blind or visually-impaired and to encourage advocacy for the needs of the blind in public discourse.
  • ACBM is an organization that looks to the future while recognizing the lessons of the past.

Want More Information?

You can contact ACBM in several ways:

  • Call the ACBM Info Express hotline at 612-486-5180
  • Visit the ACBM web site
  • Send us mail at PO Box 7341, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407
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