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Employment Committee

SSB Staff

Lindsey Hanson

David Smith


This committee exists to provide advice and propose strategies to increase the quantity and quality of employment outcomes for individuals served through the state vocational rehabilitation services for the blind system. This committee will provide input to the Customer Satisfaction & Goals and Priorities Committee and the full Council for consideration in the development of annual goals and priorities in conjunction with SSB. Progress toward achieving these goals will be monitored by tracking case closures, successful and unsuccessful outcomes, and other employment-related data throughout the year.


With the approval of the SRC-B, the Council chairperson shall appoint members and a chairperson for this committee. Not all committee members need be members of the SRC-B. This committee shall consist of no more than seven members. Every effort shall be made, to the extent possible, to include at least one person representing each of the following:

  • Two Council members one of whom is the Council member representing the Governor's Workforce Development Council (GWDC), if serving.

Rules, Relationships, Authorities, and Resources

For information which applies to all committees, please see General Information section.

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