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Customized Employment - Discovery


ssb-customizedemploymentState Services for the Blind (SSB) purchases customized employment Discovery services through an hourly rate structure. Customized employment Job Development is currently issued through a Performance Based Agreement (PBA) structure. Discovery uses an individualized, person- centered approach to first examine a person's skills, interests, and conditions to then create integrated employment by matching these with business needs. Discovery is the foundation of the customized employment process. In order for any community partner contracting with SSB to complete discovery services, competency review standards must be met.

For customized employment Discovery services, SSB follows VRS required qualifications. Complete 40-hour ACRE approved course with an emphasis in customized employment and pass the VRS Competency review process.

For questions on Customized Employment at SSB contact Jennifer Beilke, or 651-539-2273.
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