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Adult Learning Course


ssb-adultlearningThis Adult Learning Course (ALC) is meant to provide an introduction and act as a resource for instructors requesting to contract with State Services for the Blind (SSB) providing Adjustment to Blindness (ATB) training including Assistive Technology (AT).  The material in the ALC offers practical teaching tools, strategies, and information to increase effectiveness as a trainer.

After completely reviewing the Adult Learning Course Guide, individuals under consideration for AT Instructor and ATB training contracts are eligible for an interview/discussion with Jennifer Beilke, SSB. Applicants are evaluated via the interview for comprehension and competency in the topics listed in the course. This meeting is a required component of the ALC.

An instructor teaching demonstration is the next step. Eligible Applicants for contracting who have completed the course topics and the interview/evaluation may contact Jennifer Beilke to arrange for a teaching demonstration of their proficiency.

Components of the Teaching Demonstration include the following:

  1. Provide a lesson plan for the teaching demonstration at least two business days in advance.
  2. Virtual or in-person teaching demonstrations of 30 minutes with a student(s). Note: SSB can provide an instructee for the teaching demonstration if a student is not available
  3. Teaching demonstrations are conducted under blind or simulated vision impairment conditions.
  4. Demonstration must include use of actual hardware/software.
  5. SSB staff will observe the demonstration.
  6. Post-teaching demonstrations also require the prospective assistive technology trainer to submit a written report to be sent to SSB within one week of the demonstration.

Please note: completion of all components does not guarantee a contract with SSB. Review all information above; for additional information about contracting, contact:

Review the Adult Learning Course guide.

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