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Task Force Structure

With the approval of the SRC-B, the Council chairperson shall appoint members and chairperson for each task force. A detailed description follows the committee descriptions.

With the approval of the SRC-B, the Council chairperson shall appoint members and chairperson for each task force.

Annual Report Task Force

Coordinates the completion of the SRC-B Annual Report and Report on VR Effectiveness as required by the Rehabilitation Act.

Budget Task Force

Recommends the Resource Plan to the full Council for each fiscal year at the August meeting.

Council Committees Task Force

Reviews the Council committee and recurring task force structures and reports recommendations on changes to the Council at the June meeting.

Needs Assessment Task Force

Conducts a statewide needs assessment in accordance with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act.

Member Orientation Material Task Force

Meets annually to review the SRC-B Member Orientation Material and recommends updates as needed.

Work Plan Task Force

Reviews the Council's annual work plan and recommends revisions for Council approval.

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