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Projected Outcomes

Goal 1

Implement a Rapid Engagement Coordinated Team Approach

  1. 500 blind, low vision, DeafBlind (BLVDB) project participants receive Tier 1 Universal services.
  2. 200 BLVDB project participants receive Tier 2 Targeted services; of the project participants receiving Tier 2 services, 65% of BLVDB workers retain or advance in their pre-participation employment setting.
  3. 100 BLVDB project participants receive Tier 3 Intensive services; of the project participants receiving Tier 3 services, 55% achieved a competitive integrated employment (CIE) outcome that meets the Good Jobs principles. 500 business connections and contacts made.
  4. 100% of key personnel receive training on Rapid Engagement Coordinated Team Approach (RCTA).
  5. 150 individuals receive services through an RCTA; of the individuals receiving an RCTA, 65% achieve a CIE Outcome that meets the Good Jobs Principles. For employed individuals receiving retention services through an RCTA, a 15% increase in wages post-participation compared to pre-participation.
  6. 50 community partners complete the training program; 85% of community partners rate the training as high quality, relevant, and useful to their work. Increase the number of participants in the VR program who are also working with other Workforce System partners by 15% (co-enrollments). Increase the number of community partners providing career services by 20%.

Goal 2

Build a Sector-Based Approach for Advanced Technology Careers

  1. 50 Customer Service and Technology (CST) sector businesses contacted.
  2. 5 CST events and trainings conducted.
  3. 150 project participants receive AT tools and training. 75% of project participants indicate the tools and training helped obtain or retain CIE.
  4. 50 BLVDB individuals obtain CIE in the CST sector. 65% of individuals who obtained CIE get a job that meets the Good Jobs principles.

Goal 3

Pilot an Enhanced Progress Employment Model in Two Communities

  1. 100% of key personnel receive training on Enhanced Progress Employment (EPE).
  2. 25 New American-specific business relationships established.
  3. 5 new agreements with New American community-based organizations.
  4. 40 New Americans have EPE on their IPE. At least 50% obtain CIE through EPE. 65% of individuals who obtained CIE get a job that meets the Good Jobs principles.
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