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Community Partner Outcomes and Measures Committee

SSB Staff

Susan Kusz


This committee exists to support and advise SSB regarding measuring the outcomes realized by the recipients of training in adjustment to blindness and technology. This committee will provide input to the Customer Satisfaction & Goals and Priorities Committee and the full Council for consideration in the development of annual goals and priorities in conjunction with SSB and will monitor those goals and priorities throughout the year. The product of this committee must include an annual report to the SRC-B concerning its efforts and results.


With the approval of the SRC-B, the Council chairperson shall appoint members and a chairperson for this committee. Not all committee members need be members of the SRC-B. This committee shall consist of up to five members. Every effort shall be made, to the extent possible, to include at least one person representing each of the following:

  • One Council member, who represents the community rehabilitation programs, if serving.
  • Additional representatives from community rehabilitation programs
  • Individual community partners

Rules, Relationships, Authorities, and Resources

For information which applies to all committees, please see General Information section.

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