Objective 1. Offer a three-tiered portfolio of career services that includes universal, targeted, and intensive approaches for at-risk BLVDB individuals and businesses.
Objective 2. Create a Coordinated Team Approach to support individuals with acquired BLVDB in retaining and obtaining employment as part of Tier 2 and 3 services.
Objective 3. Enhance community partner and interagency collaboration for serving at-risk BLVDB individuals through specialized training and capacity and skill building.
Objective 1. Establish and strengthen sector partnerships with businesses and organizations in the Customer Service and Technology (CST) sector.
Objective 2. Develop and implement cutting-edge technology tools and training to support BLVDB individuals in obtaining careers in the CST sectors.
Objective 3. Through a collaborative effort with partners and business, create a customized CST career readiness training program that prepares at-risk BLVDB individuals to enter this sector.
Objective 1. Support staff in utilizing an EPE Model to create meaningful career opportunities and pathways that align with the Good Jobs principles.
Objective 2. Create a network of businesses, community-based organizations, and subject matter experts that support the CIE outcomes of New Americans participating in EPE.
Objective 3. Implement the EPE Model with New Americans in two pilot locations.