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Any Training

Figures 65 through 68 show rates of any training completion, from credentialed training in an occupation in demand to on-the-job training or non-credentialed training (not previously shown). (See Note 1).

Any training completed by workforce system participants


Rates of any training completion among Dislocated Worker participants range from a high of 60% among white participants to a low of 45% among Asian or Pacific Islander participants (Figure 65). The difference is smaller by class: 59% of participants who were financially secure prior to participation completed any type of training, compared to 55% of those who were financially struggling (Figure 66).

Here again, disparities in training completion rates are much more pronounced among Adult program participants. Nearly 70% of white participants completed any type of training, compared to 24% of Asian and Pacific Islander participants (Figure 67). Again, the difference by class is smaller: 67% of those who were financially secure prior to participation completed any type of training, compared to 55% of those who were financially struggling.


  1. Non-credentialed training includes anything from English language classes to Adult Basic Education to short-term classes in Excel.
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