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November 2018

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How Did We Help You in Program Year 2017?

Here’s the annual report of who used what among our data products and how well the numbers worked for them.

Are Older Workers Mixing Business With Pleasure?

Central Minnesota is taking steps to encourage older workers to stay on the job and retired workers to return even part time.

Fun With Statistics

Have fun sorting out the various ways we can report unemployment rates and what they mean. Hint: there are six, each one a little different.

County Snapshots

We’re getting near the end with Todd, Traverse, Wabasha, and Wadena counties.

Industrial Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by industry.

Regional Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Minnesota Economic Indicators

A comprehensive look at economic indicators for October 2018, including the Minnesota and U.S. Indices.

Consumer Price Index

Information on the U.S. Consumer Price Index for October 2018.

What's Going On?

Introducing MN’s New Workforce System: CareerForce

Local Area Unemployment Statistics

The Local Area Unemployment Statistics or LAUS tool provides labor force, employment, and unemployment estimates.

Current Employment Statistics

The Current Employment Statistics (CES) Program, a monthly survey of 5,900 nonfarm employers, provides monthly data on employment by industry. The data offer a snapshot of the health of the economy.

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