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Master the Social Network

Job seekers could learn a thing or two from Rachel Pennig about looking for work through social networks.

While a graduate student in library science at the University of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Pennig began using a certain collaboration platform. She liked the tool so much that she asked the Silicon Valley company that developed it if it had any part-time job openings in St. Paul.

The company liked her resume and agreed to work out an arrangement. When Pennig moved to the West Coast, Pennig's company hired her full-time in the San Francisco Bay area.

Sometime later, Pennig learned of and won a new job at a different company, all because of a newsfeed she'd set up on one of her favorite websites. "Everyone pretty much uses social media out there," says Pennig. "It's all very networking based, whether it's through Facebook, or Twitter, or networking events. Social media is just another way to network."

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