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Generations in the Workplace

Minnesota Population and Labor Force by Generation, 2022There are now at least six generations living together in Minnesota, and at least five generations in the workforce. Minnesota's population is projected to continue growing over the next couple decades, but will also continue aging, leading to slower labor force growth. In the past, Minnesota’s labor pool has deepened with a steady stream of new workers, due to several factors including population growth and in-migration, high and rising labor force participation rates for females, and a stable flow of high school seniors graduating into the workforce. All of these are important sources of labor force growth, but the latter is the focus of these reports, which examine the number of people and workers in each of the generations. 

By comparing the number of students in various grade levels to the number of people nearing retirement age, these reports present the projected impact on the labor force and economy in the state of Minnesota over the next decade.

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