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NAICS Primer

by Derek Teed
December 2017

NAICS 71 covers quite a few of the firms that provide for the entertainment needs of its patrons. The range spreads from businesses like museums and orchestras to casinos and ski slopes. In the middle are spectator sports of all sorts. The code does not include, however, businesses that provide both accommodation and recreation combined at one location, movie theaters, and businesses that provide transportation with entertainment such as sightseeing tours.

The largest sector is 713, the Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation industry with 68.5% of the sector 71 average quarterly employment. This is followed by 711, Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries with 25%. The 712 sector, Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions, has 6.5%. Within these three subsectors, the five six-digit with the most employment in the private sector are displayed in Table 1.

Table 1
NAICS Industry Name MN Employment
713950 Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers 11,257
713910 Golf Courses and Country Clubs 7,439
713990 All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries 4,303
713950 Bowling Centers 2,645
711310 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities 2,419

Because of population density in the Met Area, it has 72.8% of the total Minnesota employment in the industry. Wages are also higher in the Met Area, $39,000 for an average annual wage, compared to $14,144 in Greater Minnesota.

Table 2
Wages and Employment for NAICS 71,711, 712, and 713
NAICS Minnesota Metro Twin Cities Greater Minnesota
Employment Wages Employment Wages Employment Wages
71 42,683 $32,552 31,081 $39,000 11,234 $14,144
711 10,657 $71,344 9,129 $79,508 1,273 $16,224
712 2,776 $33,488 1,965 $39,156 712 $19,240
713 29,249 $18,148 19,986 $20,280 9,160 $13,468
Note: Metro Twin Cities includes seven counties of the Mpls-St Paul area. Wages are annual.
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