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Industrial Analysis

by Nick Dobbins
August 2021

Monthly analysis is based on seasonally adjusted employment data.
Yearly analysis is based on unadjusted employment data.

Minnesota Seasonally Adjusted Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment (In Thousands)

Industry Jul-21 Jun-21 May-21
Total Nonfarm 2845.8 2831.3 2826.4
Goods-Producing 445.9 442.1 443.8
Mining and Logging 6.5 6.3 6.3
Construction 127.4 126.5 127.7
Manufacturing 312 309.3 309.8
Service-Providing 2399.9 2389.2 2382.6
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities 509.7 512.3 509.5
Information 40.5 39.9 39.9
Financial Activities 190.3 189.8 191.2
Professional and Business Services 369.5 369.7 367.6
Educational and Health Services 534.7 535.9 538
Leisure and Hospitality 237.2 229.5 225.8
Other Services 105.2 105.1 104.7
Government 412.8 407 405.9
Source: Department of Employment and Economic Development, Current Employment Statistics, 2021.


Employers in Minnesota added 14,500 jobs (0.5%) in July on a seasonally adjusted basis. Goods producers added 3,800 jobs (0.9%), and service providers added 10,700 (0.4%). This was an improvement over June's 0.2% monthly increase.

Over the year the state added 140,908 jobs (5.1%). Private sector employers added 124,445 jobs (5.3%), and public sector employers added 16,463 (4.4%).

Mining and Logging

Mining and Logging employment was up by 200 (3.2%) on a seasonally adjusted basis in July, following two consecutive months of flat employment.

Over the year, the supersector added 1,120 jobs or 19.5%. It was the second-largest proportional growth of any supersector in the state, trailing only Leisure and Hospitality.


Employment in Construction was up by 900 (0.7%) in July, coming on the heels of a loss of 0.9% in June.

On an annual basis the supersector added 7,190 jobs or 5.3%, an improvement over June's 2.6% over-the-year growth. All three major components added employment, with Construction of Buildings up 6.7% (1,923 jobs), Specialty Trade Contractors up 5.8% (4,922 jobs), and Heavy and Civil Engineering up 1.6% (345 jobs).


Manufacturing employment was up 2,700 (0.9%) in the month in July. Non-Durable Goods employers added 1,900 jobs (1.7%) while their counterparts in Durable Goods added 800 (0.4%).

Over the year Manufacturing employers added 10,776 jobs (3.5%), an improvement over June's 2.2% growth. Durable Goods employers added 6,250 jobs (3.2%) while Non-Durable Goods employers added 4,526 jobs (4.1%).

Trade, Transportation, and Utilities

Trade, Transportation, and Utilities employers shed 2,600 jobs (0.5%) in July, making it one of only three supersectors to post negative monthly growth. All three component sectors lost jobs, with the steepest decline coming in Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities (down 1.5% or 1,600 jobs).

On an annual basis the supersector added 14,641 jobs (2.9%). All three major component sectors added jobs, with the largest proportional growth coming in Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities, which was up 5.5% or 5,263 jobs.


Information employment was up by 600 (1.5%) in July. It was the first seasonally adjusted growth posted by the supersector since January, a period during which employers shed 600 jobs.

Over the year Information employers lost 1,739 jobs or 4.1%. It was the largest proportional decline of any supersector in the state and one of only three supersector to post negative job growth. The long-shrinking supersector seems to have continued shedding jobs while the rest of the state has begun rebuilding and adding employment on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Financial Activities

Employment in Financial Activities was up by 500 (0.3%) in July. It was the first month of seasonally adjusted growth for the supersector since December. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing added 400 jobs (1.2%) while Finance and Insurance added 100 (0.1%).

Over the year Financial Activities lost 2,307 jobs or 1.2%. It was one of only three supersectors in the state to post negative annual growth. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing added 326 jobs (1%), but Finance and Insurance employers shed 2,633 jobs (1.6%).

Professional and Business Services

Employment in Professional and Business Services was down by 200 (0.1%) over the month in July. Employment in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services and Management of Companies were both up by 0.6% (1,000 jobs and 500 jobs, respectively) while Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services lost 1,700 jobs (1.3%).

Over the year the supersector added 20,532 jobs or 5.8%. Administrative and Support Services led the growth, adding 13,305 jobs (11.5%), and Professional, Scientific and Technical Services added 7,896 jobs (5.2%), while Management of Companies and Enterprises lost 669 jobs (0.8%).

Educational and Health Services

Educational and Health Services employers lost 1,200 jobs (0.2%) in July. Health Care and Social Assistance drove the decline, off by 1,300 (0.3%) while Educational Services added 100 jobs (0.1%).

Over the year employment in the supersector was up by 17,076 jobs (3.3%). Growth was driven by Educational Services employment, which added 10,629 jobs (19.8%), while Health Care and Social Assistance added 6,447 jobs (1.4%). Nursing and Residential Care Facilities lost 4,304 jobs or 4.1% as they continue to feel the pinch of the tight labor market.

Leisure and Hospitality

Employment in Leisure and Hospitality was up by 7,700 jobs or 3.4% in July. It was the largest proportional monthly growth of any supersector in the state and the seventh consecutive month of positive over-the-month growth. Employment in this supersector took the hardest hit caused by the recent pandemic, and it continues to build back towards earlier employment levels.

Over the year the supersector added 51,162 jobs or 24%. It was the largest real and proportional annual growth in the state.

Other Services

Employment in Other Services was up by 100 (0.1%) in July, its fifth consecutive month of over-the-month growth.

On an annual basis the supersector added 5,994 jobs (6%). Repair and Maintenance added 1,947 jobs (9.6%), Personal and Laundry Services added 2,231 (9.2%), and Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, and Professional Organizations added 1,816 (3.3%).


Government employers added 5,800 jobs (1.4%) in July on a seasonally adjusted basis. Local Government added 6,200 jobs (2.2%), and State Government lost 400 (0.4%) while Federal employment remained flat.

Over the year Government employers added 16,463 jobs (4.4%) with losses in State Government (down 2,865 or 3.1%) more than covered by gains at the Local level (up 19,269 or 7.7%). Federal employment was up by 59 jobs or 0.2%.

Minnesota Employment Growth

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