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About Job Vacancy Survey

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Biannual survey of employers to estimate hiring demand and job vacancy characteristics by industry and occupation.

Data Source

Information is gathered through the survey of a stratified sample of about 6,500 firms in the 6 Planning Regions of Minnesota. Firms excluded from the sampling process include private households, personnel service industry establishments and businesses with no employees.

What the Tool Provides

The Job Vacancy Survey can provide a wide variety of information, including:

  • A measure of hiring demand for workers in 6 regions of the state, by industry and occupation.
  • Analysis of the characteristics of job vacancies by occupational group and industry, including wages and benefits, education and experience requirements, and the location of openings.
  • Analysis and market research for the economic development community.
  • Labor market information that job seekers and employment and training services can use.

Data Format

The format is a data tool with downloadable files.


For the purpose of this study, a job vacancy is a position that is currently open-for-hire at the time of the survey. This study excludes job vacancies reserved for contract consultants, employees of contractors and others not considered employees of surveyed firms.

About the Data

All data have now been revised to reflect methodological changes that impact wage, education, experience and benefits estimates. These changes were implemented due to evidence of systematic under-estimation of wages. Email Oriane Casale or Cameron Macht with questions.

For more information about the Job Vacancy Survey statistics, contact the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Labor Market Information Office.

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