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August 2019 - Minnesota Employment Review

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Location Patterns of Restaurants

Here is a thorough look at where to find what sort of restaurants almost anywhere in Minnesota.

Southeast's got Agriculture

While noted for Health Care, Southeast Minnesota also has a lively agriculture slice to its economy.

Industry Snapshots

This month, drumroll please, we look at Legislative and Other Government Support, Fabricated Metal Products, Food and Beverage Stores, and Food Manufacturing.

By the Numbers

We’re normally quite detailed, but here is a macro look at the state of the state.

Industrial Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by industry.

Regional Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Minnesota Economic Indicators

A comprehensive look at economic indicators for July 2019, including the Minnesota and U.S. Indices.

Consumer Price Index

Information on the U.S. Consumer Price Index for August 2019.

Local Area Unemployment Statistics

The Local Area Unemployment Statistics or LAUS tool provides labor force, employment, and unemployment estimates.

Current Employment Statistics

The Current Employment Statistics (CES) Program, a monthly survey of 5,900 nonfarm employers, provides monthly data on employment by industry. The data offer a snapshot of the health of the economy.

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