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November 2014-Minnesota Employment Review

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The Temporary Help Industry

If you have special skills, can you still get work through a temporary help agency? Find out here.

Seasonal Flurries in Retail Trade

Retail Trade provides good job opportunities for a wide range of job seekers in Central Minnesota.

Measuring Minnesota

Evaluates exactly how wired Minnesota is.

Industrial Analysis

An analysis of what industries saw employment growth both from October 2013 to October 2014.

Regional Analysis

A regional breakdown of job growth for October 2014.

Minnesota Economic Indicators

A comprehensive look at economic indicators for October 2014, including the Minnesota and U.S. Indices.

Consumer Price Index

Information on the U.S. Consumer Price Index for October 2014.

Local Area Unemployment Statistics

The Local Area Unemployment Statistics or LAUS tool provides labor force, employment, and unemployment estimates.

Current Employment Statistics

The Current Employment Statistics (CES) Program, a monthly survey of 5,900 nonfarm employers, provides monthly data on employment by industry. The data offer a snapshot of the health of the economy.

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