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Consumer Price Index

February 2014

line graph-CPI-Percent Change from One Year Ago

On a seasonally adjusted basis the January CPI-U for all items increased 0.1 percent over the month. The index increased 1.6 percent from January 2013, not seasonally adjusted. The index for Food increased 0.1 percent over the month; the index for Energy increased 0.6 percent. Within Energy, a typically volatile grouping, monthly change ranged from a decline of 1.0 percent in Gasoline to an increase of 3.7 percent in Fuel Oil. Energy services increased 2.2 percent. All Items less Food and Energy increased 0.1 percent over the month. The most significant changes were in medical care commodities (up 0.5 percent) and used cars and trucks (down 0.5 percent).

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