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December 2020 - Minnesota Employment Review

Income and Poverty in the Twin Cities Metro Area

Recently released data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey allows us to analyze income and poverty through 2019, revealing significant disparities in the Seven-County Twin Cities Metro Area, which could worsen as the region copes with the effects of COVID-19.

Projected Regional Employment Growth, 2018 - 2028

Every two years the Labor Market Office of the Department of Employment and Economic Development produces long-term (10 years) industry and occupational employment projections for the state.

By The Numbers

The COVID-19 pandemic has put Minnesota through a whirlwind of changes – changes that have disrupted not only the economy, but also many aspects of people’s lives.

Highlights - Minnesota Index

The Minnesota Index advanced for the sixth month in a row in November, but the pace of improvement slowed noticeably.

Consumer Price Index

The monthly update for the US Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers.

Industrial Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by industry.

Regional Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by Metropolitan Statistical Area.

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