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Employment Statistics by Industry

Current Employment Statistics

Get detailed monthly, year-to-date and annual employment statistics using our Current Employment Statistics tool. The data, gathered monthly from a survey of 5,600 employers, provide a count of jobs, not people.

Employment by Industry

The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages tool tracks wages and employment by industry at the state, regional, county and minor civil division levels.

Employment Outlook

Our Employment Outlook tool helps you analyze which industries and occupations are expected to grow and which are expected to shrink in a given period.

Job Vacancy Survey

How many job vacancies are there in Minnesota as a whole and in the regions of the state? How does this compare to six months ago or to last year? Find answers in the latest job vacancy report and survey. View the latest job vacancy report. View job vacancy data.

Plant Closings and Mass Layoff Events

To see recent layoff events, to help identify potential pools of available workers, view our state Dislocated Worker Program layoff reports. (Employers with 50 employees or more are required by federal law to report large layoffs to the state Dislocated Worker Program. Our reports identify events, number of workers affected and other relevant information pertaining to large layoffs.)

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