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July 2020 - Minnesota Employment Review

Industrial Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by industry.

Industry Snapshots

Explore the downward job trend in Publishing, the ups and downs of Real Estate, the steady growth of Professional and Technical Services, and changes in Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations in Minnesota.

Social Distancing Requirements and Occupations in Northeast Minnesota

Women, people of color, and younger workers have all applied for unemployment benefits at higher rates across the country, state, and here in Northeast Minnesota than in the past, reflecting the different impact of this recession. As businesses re-open or ramp-up operations, these and other workers will likely face differing challenges.

Regional Analysis

An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Minnesota Economic Indicators

A comprehensive look at economic indicators for July 2020, including the Minnesota and U.S. Indices.

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