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Rulemaking Activity

State agencies are required by Minnesota Statutes to maintain a current rulemaking docket, if any, describing the status of rulemaking activities in progress or under consideration within the agency. This is the status report, or docket, on rule changes being considered and recently adopted for the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Inquiries about DEED rulemaking activities can be submitted to: May Chao Parker, DEED General Counsel.

Proposed Rulemaking Governing Minnesota Paid Leave, Minnesota Rules Chap. 3317; Revisor's ID Number R-04846; OAH Docket 82-9044-39758

Subject of Rules

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) requests comments on its possible new rules governing the Minnesota Paid Leave program. DEED is considering rules to implement the Minnesota Paid Leave program as required by Minn. Stat. 268B.02 subd. 3. This request for comments is the first of several opportunities for public comment and input on this rulemaking. At this stage, DEED does not have draft rules.  DEED is seeking feedback about the following potential topics for new rules for the Minnesota Paid Leave program:

  • Rules to further define terms including "health care provider";
  • Rules to identify what serious health conditions and other events are prospectively presumed to constitute a seven-day qualifying event such that an employee could seek benefits under the Minnesota Paid Leave program;
  • Rules to set out the procedures for hearings regarding appeals of determinations made in the Minnesota Paid Leave program;
  • Rules to set out the process for documenting safety leave; and
  • Rules regarding private plans that provide paid family, paid medical, or paid family and medical benefits, including rules specifying the manner in which an employer must provide a notice of withdrawal from a private plan and rules requiring private plans to submit reports to DEED.

As time permits, DEED may consider adopting other new rules identified in the rule review process.


DEED's Request for Comments regarding this rulemaking is published in the January 22, 2024 edition of the State Register. Submit written comments via the OAH Rulemaking eComments website. Comments received are public and will be available for review at the OAH Rulemaking eComments website.


Submit clarification questions and requests for additional information to Greg Norfleet:

Greg Norfleet
Great Northern Building
180 E 5th St, Suite 1200
St. Paul, MN 55101-1678
Phone: 651-259-7315

Submit questions about the rulemaking process to Elizabeth Oji:

Elizabeth Oji
Great Northern Building
180 E 5th St, Suite 1200
St. Paul, MN 55101-1678
Phone: 651-539-1437

More on Minnesota's Paid Leave Rulemaking.

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