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Extended Employment Program

If you have a significant disability or other barrier to employment, we may be able to help. By working with a community rehabilitation provider we may be able to provide long-term support services to help you keep your job and advance in your career via our Extended Employment (EE) Program.

We work closely with a statewide network of nationally accredited community rehabilitation programs to offer no-cost job supports for people who want to work and employers who need qualified employees. These service providers are certified annually and are required to achieve and maintain the highest levels of service standards and accountability to the people they serve.

Extended Employment Rule

Information on 2019 rule promulgated on March 4, 2019.

Worker Services

For people who have significant disabilities who want to work, we can arrange and pay for long-term job supports.

Find a Service Provider

The network of private, nonprofit community rehabilitation programs that deliver long-term job support services

For Basic Service Providers

Specific information to help EE basic services providers.

The VR program received 73.42% of federal fiscal year 2023 funding through grants from the U.S. Department of Education. The federal fiscal year 2023 grants totaled $47,671,377. The required state match for these funds is $12,849,251. The state of Minnesota appropriated $14.3 million to meet the match requirement.

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