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The Last Word

by Carol Walsh - Editor-in-Chief
February 2018

A good time to look for a job is - now

When you’re looking for a job, the more information and tools you have, the better. LMI’s Job Vacancy Survey data tool ( shows the number of job openings, wage offers, and education requirements by occupation and industry, by region, and statewide. Look at the “Findings” tab of the Job Vacancy Survey. As of the fourth quarter of 2017, there were about 114,000 job vacancies across Minnesota and about 101,500 unemployed persons to fill them – that’s less than one unemployed person for every job vacancy. So this is definitely a good time to be in the job market, because employers are looking for workers to fill their job openings. And if you’re looking in Health Care and Social Assistance, that industry had the most.

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