The Employment and Training Program Division (ETP) has created a listing of Questions and Answers (Q & A) in relation to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Q & As are intended to guide and assist partners and providers. If partners and providers require additional information, they are encouraged to directly contact their program coordinator. The COVID-19 waivers are in place until further notice.
If partners or providers have questions regarding program/service operations during COVID19, check our Frequently Asked Questions.
The African Immigrant Community Economic Relief Competitive Grant program funded projects that address economic disparities in African immigrant communities through workforce recruitment, development, job creation, assistance to smaller organizations to increase capacity, and outreach. Organizations provide services to relieve economic disparities in African Immigrant communities through workforce recruitment, development, job creation, and assistance of smaller organizations to increase capacity, and outreach.
Through the Minnesota Tech Training Program organizations will train participants ages 18 to 30 who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals in technology career pathways and place them in permanent employment at a family-sustaining wage.
Internationally Trained Professionals programs will provide services to assist internationally trained healthcare professionals in earning the professional licenses required to do similar work in Minnesota. Programs will provide wrap around navigation services including but not limited to degree translation, support services and/or facilitate the transfer of international transcripts.
Through a contract with the Department of Human Services (DHS), DEED assists Adult Career Pathways providers provide employment and training services to individuals receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training Program (SNAP E&T) benefits.