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Case Studies

Guidebooks are great, but sometimes there's no better teacher than real-life experience. These brief stories offer job-seeking advice from real Minnesotans.

They've suffered real job losses just like you, faced the difficulties of unemployment, and found real ways to overcome them -- just like you will.

Ask Questions During Job Interviews

Be sure to ask about duties, an average day on the job, and other process related questions.

Cold Calls Lead to Hot Prospects

How picking up the phone and calling people that she did not know created opportunities.

From Volunteer to Employee

How volunteering led to a full-time job and a happy and challenging career change.

Application Advice from an HR Pro

Completing an online application is important, even if you've already attached your resume.

Master the Social Network

Networking through social media helps one job seeker identify, go after, and land more than one job.

Online Networking Tools Payoff

This job seeker's online portfolios showcased career and abilities better than a traditional resume.

Polished Portfolio Makes a Difference

How her portfolio helped one job seeker better prepare for and answer interview questions.

Restaurant Manager Serves Up Skills

Identifying transferable skills can lead to careers you might never have thought of before.

Resume Highlights Skills Over Age

Resume and salary negotiation tips from a successful older job seeker.

Search Your Own Backyard

Unconventional approach helps job seeker find employment in her neighborhood.

Warm Contacts Instead of Cold-Calling

Reaching out to "warm" contacts - people who know someone the job seeker knows.

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