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Final Thoughts

In today’s world, a job search isn’t usually a one-time event in most people’s work life. Studies show that the average person will change jobs more frequently than in the past. People used to believe once they had secured a job with good pay and benefits, they would stay 20 to 30 years to retirement, but this is rarely true anymore.

The change is due, in part, to the fluctuating economy and fast-paced technological and scientific advances combined with international competition. That’s why it’s so important to learn job search techniques and to consider them an invaluable and evolving lifetime skill. Job search skills need to be constantly maintained and updated throughout your work life— even when you’re employed. After you get a job you should maintain the following traits:

  • Keep your options open. See what your job skills are worth in the job market.
  • Get the training or experience you will need to move up or out.
  • Keep a list of awards, accomplishments and recognitions to present to your supervisor to lobby for a raise or promotion.

Layoffs and downsizings, after all, can come unexpectedly. That’s why it’s important to remain updated and networked in your profession even when times are good. While you do not want to have a job and then live in constant fear that it will be taken away, you may want to remain on alert by keeping your skill set and your network current because the future is unpredictable. As Yogi Berra once said: “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”


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