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For Employers Considering a Layoff

If you're considering a major layoff or plant closing involving we can help guide you through what will be a difficult process for your company and a difficult time for your employees. We can help you comply with federal regulations that apply to mass layoffs, bring a variety of services for your employees straight to your workplace, and even propose some useful alternatives.

Read our Layoff Aversion/Layoff Support handout.

Dislocated Worker Program

Federal law requires employers with at least 100 employees to notify us at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development at least 60 days prior to a mass layoff or plant closing.

After an initial meeting with you -- and with your permission -- our Rapid Response Team will bring professional staff and services right to your workplace. The sooner our team can be in place, the better prepared your employees will be to find new jobs.

Rapid Response Services

Rapid Response is a pro-active, business-focused, and flexible strategy designed to respond to layoffs and plant closings by quickly coordinating services and providing immediate aid to companies and their affected workers. Rapid Response teams will work with employers and any employee representative(s) to quickly maximize public and private resources to minimize disruptions associated with job loss. Rapid Response can provide customized services for an affected company, accommodate any work schedules, and assist companies and workers through the painful transitions associated with job loss including virtual services as needed.

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