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Miscellaneous Manufacturing in the Metro - NAICS 339

by Tim O'Neill
December 2018

Exactly two years ago Minnesota Employment Review ran an article titled, “Distinguishing Industries in the Twin Cities.” Back then, and still today, Miscellaneous Manufacturing is one of the Metro Area’s most distinguishing industry sectors.

What makes Miscellaneous Manufacturing so distinguishing in the Metro Area?

  • With nearly 600 establishments supplying just over 18,600 jobs, Miscellaneous Manufacturing is the Metro Area’s third largest-employing manufacturing subsector (see Table 1).
  • Where the Metro Area makes up 60.9 percent of the state’s total employment and 53.2 percent of the state’s total manufacturing employment, it makes up 75.3 percent of the state’s total employment in Miscellaneous Manufacturing.
  • It is the 24th largest employing industry sector of 92 total industries.
  • With a location quotient of 2.5, Miscellaneous Manufacturing employment is much more concentrated in the Metro Area than the United States overall. A location quotient of 1.2 typically implies the exporting of goods and services.
  • The total payroll for Miscellaneous Manufacturing is $1.4 billion, which is the 19th highest total payroll of 92 total industries.
  • The average annual wage for Miscellaneous Manufacturing, $77,324, is 22.9 percent higher than the average annual wage for the total of all industries. In other words, the typical worker in Miscellaneous Manufacturing makes over $14,400 more per year than the typical worker overall in the Metro Area.
  • Miscellaneous Manufacturing includes a number of highly-specialized industries with numerous types of occupations and career pathways.
Table 1. Manufacturing Employment in the Metro Area, 2017
Industry Number of Jobs Share of Jobs Number of Firms Total Payroll ($1,000s) Average Annual Wage
Total, All Industries 1,738,403 100.0% 79,646 $109,343,360 $62,920
Manufacturing 169,594 9.8% 4,079 $12,986,256 $76,544
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 35,756 21.1% 328 $3,735,974 $104,468
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 24,565 14.5% 804 $1,571,438 $63,960
Miscellaneous Manufacturing 18,602 11.0% 593 $1,437,478 $77,324
Machinery Manufacturing 16,826 9.9% 375 $1,359,260 $80,756
Printing and Related Support Activities 14,155 8.3% 417 $929,636 $65,676
Food Manufacturing 10,966 6.5% 268 $543,346 $49,504
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 9,805 5.8% 192 $599,428 $61,152
Chemical Manufacturing 8,089 4.8% 177 $749,443 $92,664
Wood Product Manufacturing 4,686 2.8% 105 $283,619 $60,528
Paper Manufacturing 4,461 2.6% 72 $315,301 $70,668
All Other Manufacturing Subsectors 21,680 12.8% 750 $1,461,333 N/A
Source: MN DEED Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

Defining the Miscellaneous

Now that we've discovered how unique and distinguishing Miscellaneous Manufacturing is in the Metro Area, it's important to know what it includes. According to the Office of Management and Budget's North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), industries in Miscellaneous Manufacturing make a wide range of products that cannot readily be classified in other specific manufacturing subsectors. Processes used by establishments within Miscellaneous Manufacturing also vary significantly. Because of this, industries in this subsector are defined by what is made rather than how it is made.

Establishments in Miscellaneous Manufacturing are organized into two major industries: Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing and Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing. Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing makes up the bulk, 77.5 percent, of the Metro Area's total Miscellaneous Manufacturing employment. As of 2017, 255 Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing establishments supplied 14,421 jobs. With 338 establishments supplying 4,181 jobs, Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing makes up the remaining 22.5 percent of employment in Miscellaneous Manufacturing.

And miscellaneous manufacturing it is. Zooming in on Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing, specific industries include:

  • Sign Manufacturing
  • All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (includes Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device Manufacturing; Musical Instrument Manufacturing; Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing; and Burial Casket Manufacturing)
  • Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing
  • Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing
  • Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing
  • Jewelry Manufacturing

Between 2012 and 2017 Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing (3391) grew by 4.8 percent, adding over 660 jobs. Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (3399) witnessed more robust growth during this period, growing by 23.7 percent – equivalent to just over 800 jobs. Zooming in on Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing, all industries witnessed employment growth in the Metro Area between 2012 and 2017, except for Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing. Growth was especially high in All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (316 jobs), Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing (232 jobs), and Sign Manufacturing (190 jobs) (see Table 2).

Table 2. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Employment in the Metro Area, 2017
Industry (NAICS) Number of Jobs Share of Jobs Number of Firms Average Annual Wage 2012 – 2017 Job Change
Numeric Percent
Total, All Industries 1,738,403 100.0% 79,646 $62,920 147,425 9.3%
Manufacturing (31) 169,594 9.8% 4,079 $76,544 7,327 4.5%
Miscellaneous Manufacturing (339) 18,602 11.0% 593 $77,324 1,464 8.5%
Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing (3391) 14,421 77.5% 255 $83,252 662 4.8%
Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (3399) 4,181 22.5% 338 $56,680 802 23.7%
Sign Manufacturing (33995) 1,524 36.5% 91 $59,644 190 14.2%
All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing (33999) 1,403 33.6% 167 $53,820 316 29.1%
Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing (33992) 663 15.9% 27 $55,692 232 53.8%
Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing (33993) 57 1.4% 8 $75,348 14 32.6%
Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing (33994) 57 1.4% 4 $41,288 -10 -14.9%
Source: MN DEED Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW

Miscellaneous Growth in the Metro Area

Analyzing employment trends since 2000 reveals a much more interesting picture for Miscellaneous Manufacturing in the Metro Area. For example, between 2002 and 2007 this subsector experienced extremely rapid growth. More specifically, the subsector added just under 4,000 jobs during that five year span of time, expanding by 27.0 percent. This was during a period when total manufacturing employment in the Metro Area contracted by over 11,300 jobs or 5.8 percent.

Over the following five year span of time, between 2007 and 2012, Miscellaneous Manufacturing shed just over 1,600 jobs, contracting by 8.6 percent. This was a steeper decline than the total labor market where employment fell by 2.0 percent, but less severe than all of Manufacturing where employment fell by 11.1 percent. Clearly, Miscellaneous Manufacturing felt the negative impacts of the Great Recession.

As mentioned earlier, employment in Miscellaneous Manufacturing has resumed growth in the past five years of annual employment data. In fact, its growth rate of 8.5 percent between 2012 and 2017 was nearly double that of Manufacturing as a whole (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Manufacturing Trends in the Metro, 2000-2017

Miscellaneous Importance to the Metro Area and Minnesota

While miscellaneous in name and make-up, there is nothing miscellaneous about the importance of Miscellaneous Manufacturing to the Metro Area and the State of Minnesota. As of annual 2017, Minnesota ranked 8th in the nation for having the most employment in Miscellaneous Manufacturing. For reference, Minnesota ranked 14th in the nation for overall manufacturing employment, and 17th in the nation for total employment across all industries. Zooming in, the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ranked 3rd in 2017 for having the most Miscellaneous Manufacturing employment out of the nation's 30 largest MSAs. The region fell behind only the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim MSA and the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin MSA. The Boston-Cambridge-Newton MSA came in 4th, more than 8,000 jobs behind the Minneapolis-St. Paul MSA.1

Miscellaneous Manufacturing consists of a wide range of occupations requiring a wide range of educational attainment. Because of this, there are countless educational and career pathways that individuals can take offer gainful employment within this broad industry sector. For example, one could start out as a team assembler making a median hourly wage of $15.77, work up to become a manufacturing inspector making a median hourly wage of $19.91, and then eventually become a production supervisor making a median hourly wage of $31.01. This career pathway can be started with a high school diploma or equivalent with additional certifications and on-the-job training completed throughout.

Individuals could also aim for higher education in fields such as industrial engineering or biomedical engineering and work in medical device design and implementation. Or become machinists and CNC Operators actually putting such medical devices together. Or become Sale Representatives working in clinics and hospitals to sell such devices. The pathways, whether in Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing, Sign Manufacturing, Sports and Athletic Goods Manufacturing, and other sectors are endless.

Table 3. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Jobs in the Metro Area
Occupation Number of Jobs Median Wage Qtr. 2 2018 Job Vacancies Demand Typical Education Required
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 23,720 $33.16 644 High High school diploma or equivalent
Team Assemblers 18,020 $15.77 377 High High school diploma or equivalent
Supervisors of Production Workers 6,320 $31.01 149 High High school diploma or equivalent
Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers 5,660 $19.91 124 Above Average High school diploma or equivalent
Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians 670 $14.91 20 Average High school diploma or equivalent
Dental Laboratory Technicians 560 $19.53 N/A Average High school diploma or equivalent
Medical Appliance Technicians 470 $16.27 N/A Average High school diploma or equivalent
Machinists 6,880 $25.40 167 High Postsecondary non-degree award
Industrial Engineers 6,450 $43.79 327 High Bachelor's degree
Biomedical Engineers 1,240 $51.86 32 Below Average Bachelor's degree
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupation-Industry Matrix, DEED Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), DEED Job Vacancy Survey (JVS), DEED Occupations in Demand (OID)

1Minnesota Export Statistics, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).

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