by Nick Dobbins
January 2024
The Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington MSA lost 14,209 jobs (0.7%) over the month in December. Declines are common at this time of year, with negative job growth every December since 2006. Six of 10 published supersectors lost jobs in December. Government employers lost 7,526 jobs (2.9%), as Local Government shed 6,117 jobs (3.5%) in both the educational and non-educational components, and State Government shed 1,412 jobs (2%) with those losses coming entirely in the Educational Services component (down 1,566 or 3.9%). Mining, Logging, and Construction employment was down by 3,461 (3.9%), and Professional and Business Services was down 4,617 (1.5%), with losses concentrated in Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services (off by 7,143 or 7.5%). The largest real job growth came in Trade, Transportation, and Utilities, which added 3,044 jobs (0.9%) with growth coming primarily from the Retail Trade component (up 2,865 jobs, or 1.5%).
Over the year the metro area added 31,007 jobs or 1.6%. This was an improvement over November's 0.5% over-the-year growth. The largest proportional job growth came in Mining, Logging, and Construction where employment was up by 5.9% (4,695 jobs). Government employers added 9,954 jobs (4.1%) with positive growth at every published level. Educational and Health Services employment was up 15,160 (4.3%) with that growth coming entirely in Health Care and Social Assistance (up 15,944 or 5.2%). Leisure and Hospitality and Other Services both grew 4.8% on the year, up 8,475 jobs and 3,336 jobs, respectively. The largest real and proportional job declines on the year came in Financial Activities, which shed 7,728 jobs or 5.2%. Information employment was down 4% (1,206 jobs), and Professional and Business Services lost 5,935 jobs or 2%.
Employment in the Duluth-Superior MSA was down by 1,259 (0.9%) in December. Eight of 10 published supersectors posted monthly job losses, with the largest declines coming in Government (down 633 or 2.5%), Educational and Health Services (down 491 or 1.5%) and Mining, Logging, and Construction (down 252 or 2.6%). The largest real and proportional job growth came in Trade, Transportation, and Utilities, which added 310 jobs or 1.2%, caused in large part by the addition of 295 jobs (1.9%) in Retail Trade. Manufacturing employers also added 51 jobs (0.6%).
Over the year Duluth-area employers added 1,482 jobs or 1.1%. This was the lowest proportional annual growth of any MSA primarily in Minnesota, although it was higher than the 0.7% growth of Fargo-Moorhead which is primarily in North Dakota. The largest real job growth came in Trade, Transportation, and Utilities, which added 1,126 jobs or 4.6% on the strength of 1,166 new jobs in Retail Trade (up 7.7%). The largest proportional growth came in Other Services, where employment was up 6.1% or 350 jobs. Educational and Health Services employers added 471 jobs or 1.5%. Six supersectors lost jobs on the year, with the largest real job loss coming in Leisure and Hospitality (down 391 or 2.9%). The steepest proportional decline was in Financial Activities, where employment was off by 3.2% or 161 jobs.
Employment in the Rochester MSA was mostly flat in December, losing 51 jobs (0.0%). This was the best over-the-month performance of any MSA in the state tied with Grand Forks-East Grand Forks. Mining, Logging, and Construction shed 216 jobs (4%), the largest real and proportional declines of any supersector in the area. Trade, Transportation, and Utilities had the largest real and proportional growth, adding 253 jobs or 1.4%, with most of that growth coming in the Retail Trade series, which added 239 jobs or 1.8%. Overall, four series lost jobs, five series added jobs, and one (Financial Activities) was completely flat.
Over the year Rochester employers added 5,133 jobs or 4.2%. Educational and Health Services added 3,825 jobs or 7.2%, the largest real and proportional growth of any supersector. Trade, Transportation, and Utilities added 1,190 jobs (6.8%), and Mining, Logging, and Construction added 206 jobs (4.2%). The largest real job loss came in Manufacturing (down 342 or 3.5%), and the largest proportional job loss was in Information (down 4.2% or 46 jobs).
The St. Cloud MSA lost 743 jobs (0.7%) over the month of December. Seven of 10 published supersectors posted negative growth, with the largest real and proportional declines coming in Mining, Logging, and Construction, which was off by 302 jobs or 3.9%. Government employers lost 237 jobs or 1.5%. Just two supersectors posted positive growth, with Manufacturing up 121 (0.8%) and Trade, Transportation, and Utilities up 13 jobs (0.1%). Employment in Financial Activities was flat.
Over the year employers in the St. Cloud area added 535 jobs or 0.5%. The largest real job growth was in Trade, Transportation, and Utilities, which was up 380 or 1.7%, in large part owing to growth in Retail Trade. The largest proportional growth was in Other Services, which was up 5.6% or 210 jobs. Three supersectors posted negative annual growth, with the largest real and proportional declines coming in Professional and Business Services, which lost 381 jobs or 5%. Leisure and Hospitality employment was off by 242 jobs or 3%.
The Mankato-North Mankato MSA lost 818 jobs or 1.3% in December. It was the worst proportional monthly growth of any MSA in the state. Every published series lost jobs, with goods producers off by 284 jobs (2.6%) and service providers off by 534 jobs (1.1%). Government employers lost 235 jobs (2.1%), and private sector employers lost 583 jobs (1.2%).
Over the year the Mankato-North Mankato MSA added 2,871 jobs or 5%. This was the best annual proportional growth of any MSA in the state. Every published series posted annual growth, with Government employers leading the way adding 1,460 jobs or 15.7%. Private sector employers added 1,411 jobs (2.9%). Employment in goods production was up 554 or 5.4%. Services providers added 2,317 jobs or 4.9%.
Employment in the Fargo-Moorhead MSA was off by 1,545 jobs or 1% over the month in December. Mining, Logging, and Construction was down 489 (5.4%), and Professional and Business Services was down 731 (4.7%). The largest positive monthly growth came in Other Services, which added 55 jobs or 1.1%.
Over the year the Fargo-Moorhead MSA added 1,014 jobs (0.7%). This was the lowest annual growth of any MSA in Minnesota. Trade, Transportation, and Utilities added 906 jobs (2.9%), and Other Services added 195 jobs (3.9%), which was, respectively, the largest real and proportional growth of any supersector in the area. Mining, Logging, and Construction employment was off by 433 jobs or 4.8%. Information was down 123 or 4.6%.
The Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MSA lost 24 jobs or 0.0% in December. This mostly flat growth represented the highest monthly rate of any MSA in the state, tied with Rochester. Government employers added 143 jobs (1%), with growth at all three levels of government. The largest real and proportional decline came in the highly seasonal Mining, Logging, and Construction, which was off by 133 jobs or 4.5%.
Over the year the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MSA added 1,379 jobs or 2.6%. All but two published supersectors added jobs on the year. Government employment was up by 686 (5.2%), and Trade, Transportation, and Utilities was up 313 (2.9%), with most of that growth coming in the Retail Trade component. Information lost 14 jobs (2.4%), and Financial Activities lost 32 (1.8%).