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Required Certifications

MDHR Certifications

Keep MDHR Certifications Up to Date!

There are certain certifications a contract holder with the state of Minnesota must maintain with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. A Workforce Certificate is required for any Community Partner that employs 40 or more employees and whose contract will exceed $100,000. An Equal Pay Certificate is required for any Community Partner whose contract will exceed $500,000. Community Partners provide the necessary certifications when applying for a VRS P/T contract.

It is the responsibility of the Community Partner to keep those certifications up to date. Community Partners should note the expiration dates on their certificate(s) and compare that date to the expiration date of their VRS P/T contract. Community Partners should apply for a certificate renewal well ahead of its expiration date.

If a certification expires, VRS and DEED Fiscal will be unable to process contracts, process contract amendments, or make payments. The statewide accounting system, SWIFT, will not allow a contract, contract amendment, or payment to be processed unless MDHR has noted in SWIFT that approved certifications are on file.

Information for how to apply for the needed certificates is below.

  • Workforce Certificate: Required for any Community Partner that employs 40 or more employees and whose contract will exceed $100,000.
  • Equal Pay Certificate: Required for any Community Partner whose contract will exceed $500,000.
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