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By the Numbers

by Mark Schultz
November 2021

Minnesota has continued to recover from all the unprecedented job loss that occurred at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic according to the new third quarter 2021 updates to DEED's Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data. A quick recap of job loss in the state shows that Minnesota lost 10.3% of its jobs from the first to the second quarter of 2020, a loss of over 295,000 jobs. While the region's jobs have rather steadily increased since the second quarter of 2020, the region has yet to gain back all of the jobs lost during this time. However, the region has regained about 79% of the lost jobs (232,406) (see Figure 1).

Minnesota Quarterly Job Trends

Over the year, from the third quarter of 2020 to the third quarter of 2021, Minnesota saw an increase of 109,282 jobs across all industries, equaling a bump of 4.1%. The largest increases were seen in Accommodation and Food Services (+28,120), Health Care and Social Assistance (+11,256) and Administrative Support and Waste Management (+11,074). Together the job gains in just these three industry sectors accounted for 46.2% of the total job gain over the year. The highest proportional growth, however, was experienced in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (+21.5%), Accommodation and Food Services (15.2%) and Mining (10.8%) (see Table 1).

Table 1. Minnesota Job Changes (3rd Quarter 2020-2021
Industry Sector 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter 2020-2021
2020 2021 Numeric Change Percent Change
Total, All Industries 2,683,944 2,793,226 109,282 4.1%
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting 24,222 23,911 -311 -1.3%
Mining 5,543 6,139 596 10.8%
Construction 142,291 151,846 9,555 6.7%
Manufacturing 307,619 316,656 9,037 2.9%
Utilities 13,348 13,494 146 1.1%
Wholesale Trade 124,008 127,227 3,219 2.6%
Retail Trade 278,169 282,135 3,966 1.4%
Transportation and Warehousing 98,763 103,717 4,954 5.0%
Information 46,042 46,265 223 0.5%
Finance and Insurance 147,474 145,283 -2,191 -1.5%
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 34,279 34,946 667 1.9%
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 152,846 159,391 6,545 4.3%
Management of Companies and Enterprises 86,642 87,562 920 1.1%
Administrative & Support and Waste Management 119,612 130,686 11,074 9.3%
Educational Services 180,665 188,725 8,060 4.5%
Health Care and Social Assistance 481,804 493,060 11,256 2.3%
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 40,347 49,027 8,680 21.5%
Accommodation and Food Services 185,609 213,729 28,120 15.2%
Other Services (except Public Administration) 79,102 84,530 5,428 6.9%
Public Administration 135,555 134,891 -664 -0.5%
Source: DEED Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

Despite overall growth, not every industry sector saw job gains over the year, with three sectors experiencing job loss from the third quarter of 2020 to the third quarter of 2021. Included in these industry sectors that saw losses are Finance and Insurance (-2,191 or -1.5%), Public Administration (-664 or -0.5%), and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting (-311 or -1.3%).

It's promising to see that Minnesota has rebounded so nicely from the pandemic, gaining back a large chunk of the jobs lost during the initial stages of COVID-19. Despite having a little more ground to make up, the state is on the right track to reach pre-pandemic job levels.

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