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June 2014 - Minnesota Economic Trends

The June issue of Trends magazine takes an in-depth look at the Minnesota economy five years after the end of the Great Recession. There are many reasons to feel positive about the state's economy, including job growth, a declining unemployment rate and fewer claims for unemployment insurance benefits. But we're not all the way back yet. Six of the state's 11 major industrial sectors still haven't recovered all the jobs that were lost in the recession, and some groups have been left behind in the recovery.

Other stories in this issue look at the manufacturing sector in central and southwestern Minnesota, the construction industry in the Twin Cities and southeastern Minnesota, the health care and social assistance sector in northern Minnesota, and employment in the state's 87 counties.

Download the full pdf file or select the links below to view individual stories.

Letter from the Editor

The Great Recession officially ended five years ago in June. It has been a long road back nationally and in Minnesota, with the state reaching a milestone last September when it officially replaced all the jobs lost in the recession.

State of the Economy

Five years after the Great Recession, the Minnesota economy continues to make progress, but challenges remain.

Prescription for a Healthy Economy

The health care and social assistance sector is driving job growth in northern Minnesota.

Making a Living Making Things

Manufacturing is a major employer in southwestern and central Minnesota, accounting for more than 70,000 jobs.

The Construction Sector Rebuilds

Construction employment in the Twin Cities and southeastern Minnesota is recovering after hitting the skids during the recession.

Employment in Minnesota's Counties

More than half of the state’s 87 counties still haven’t recovered all the private-sector jobs that were lost in the recession.

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