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Veterans in the Minneapolis-St. Paul MSA

11/5/2020 9:00:00 AM

Tim O'Neill

Most veterans in the Minneapolis-St. Paul MSA are older veterans. In 2019, over 57.5% or 89,600 veterans out of the region's 156,000 veterans were 65 years of age and older (Figure 1).

Veteran Population by Age Minneapolis-St. Paul MSA 2019

In these numbers, those counted as veterans include only those who have served but are no longer serving, in active duty in any of the branches of the military and only including National Guard members who were called to active duty. CareerForce Veterans Employment Services serves all current and former U.S. military members, including National Guard members and other military reservists. The veteran population overall has aged over time. While the share of veterans in the region between the ages of 55 and 64 years decreased from 26.1% to 14.7% between 2010 and 2019, the share of veterans between the ages of 65 and 74 years increased from 19.5% to 29.2%. The share of veterans 75 years of age and older increased from 22.6% in 2010 to 28.3% in 2019.

Veterans in the Twin Cities and across the state of Minnesota have shown they are ready, willing, and able to work in every industry sector and in every occupation. However, data shows that veterans are more likely than nonveterans to be employed in: installation, maintenance and repair; transportation and material moving; production; and construction occupations.

Minnesota Helmets to Hardhats is an example of a nonprofit organization that helps veterans find employment within the state's construction industry. This is part of a larger national effort to help veterans find apprenticeships with building trades unions. Helmets to Hardhats includes services to connect disabled veterans with employment opportunities.

Veterans and employers looking to hire veterans can utilize CareerForce resources. Veterans, can see how their military experience translates to civilian occupations, work on their resumes, and find other CareerForce resources specifically for veterans. Employers, for example, can learn how to connect with and hire veterans.

Veterans, active duty military service members, and their spouses are also invited to participate in this year's Virtual Veterans Career Fair taking place on November 19.

For More Information

Contact Tim O'Neill, Labor Market Analyst.

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