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Northeast Region

northwest-minnesota-mapHome to the state's second-largest metro, the Northeast Region has a strong industrial sector, tied largely to the area's abundant natural resources.

Most of the manufacturing base centers on mining and forest products industries. More than half of the sector's employment is in paper and machinery manufacturing.

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Where Do Graduates of Northeast Post-secondary Schools End Up?

2/28/2020 1:00:00 PM

Cameron Macht

It’s important to know where post-secondary graduates end up to understand the regional school-to-employer pipeline. It’s important to know where graduates of post-secondary programs in Northeast Minnesota schools are most likely to end up living and working. It’s also important to know which programs have more graduates remaining locally, at least initially. Are community colleges true to their name – do they serve local students and employers? DEED’s Graduate Employment Outcomes (GEO) Tool provides insight into regional employment trends by institution and instructional program.

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