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Northeast Region

northwest-minnesota-mapHome to the state's second-largest metro, the Northeast Region has a strong industrial sector, tied largely to the area's abundant natural resources.

Most of the manufacturing base centers on mining and forest products industries. More than half of the sector's employment is in paper and machinery manufacturing.

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Educational Services are Back in Session

8/22/2023 9:00:00 AM

Carson Gorecki

School is about to start back up for the year. Just as students are planning what to wear for their first day back, so are their teachers, administrators, and other staff that make our education system work. The Educational Services industry sector consists of employees at public, private, or non-profit schools, colleges & universities, and training centers. In Northeast Minnesota, the Educational Services sector had 11,403 jobs across 264 establishments in 2022, good for 8.3% of regional employment, making it the 4th largest employing sector. The bulk of the sector's jobs were at Local (7,164) and State (2,379) Government institutions. Private school employment made up the remaining 1,860 jobs (see Table 1).

Table 1. Northeast Minnesota Educational Services Employment and Wages by Ownership, 2022
Ownership Employment – Number of Jobs Number of Establishments Average Annual Wage
Total, All Ownerships 11,403 264 $51,844
State Government 2,379 12 $63,440
Local Government 7,164 158 $51,220
Private 1,860 94 $39,728

Since 2000, the total number of Educational Services jobs in the region remained between 11,230 and 12,243 jobs. Despite fluctuations over the past two decades, both the high (at 12,243 jobs in 2017) and low points (at 11,230 jobs in 2020) of employment occurred recently. Prior to 2016, the range was even more stable, spanning less than 500 jobs. Sector employment fell -4% over the pandemic period, despite all the pressure on schools and their employees. That's a smaller decline than the average for all industries in the region (-5%). However Educational Services employment has rebounded more slowly than the average for all industries. The sector remained about 475 jobs below the pre-pandemic level and has regained only 170 jobs since 2020 (see Figure 1).

Northeast Minnesota Industry Employment Trends

Educational Services wages were slightly higher than the regional average until 2017, then tracked closely with the overall average until 2020, when Educational Services wages fell below the average across the total of all industries. Educational Services wages grew more slowly than the total of all industries, and the discrepancy in wage growth expanded even more recently. Since 2020, Educational Services wages growth (+3.9%) was less than half that of all industries (+10.5%) (see Figure 2).

Northeast Minnesota Industry Annual Average Wage Trends

Educational Services Occupations in Demand

Part of the slow employment growth in Educational Services over the past couple years may have to do with the inability to fill open positions. In 2022, there were an estimated 767 job vacancies in Educational Services in Northeast Minnesota, according to the Job Vacancy Survey. That is the highest number of vacancies in the region since 2015, and the second highest since 2001.

The greatest needs according to the survey appeared to be not for the core or full-time teaching positions as much for the part-time and support positions. Tutors and Short-Term Substitute Teachers each had vacancy rates exceeding 50%, indicating one vacancy for every two filled jobs. The regional vacancy rate for all industries, by comparison, sat at 9.2%. Preschool Teachers (90 vacancies) and Teaching Assistants (145 vacancies) had the highest number of openings, also indicating high demand (see Table 2).

Table 2. Job Vacancy Details for Selected Educational Occupations in Northeast Minnesota, 2022
Occupation Number of Vacancies Vacancy Rate Median Wage Offer Percent Part-time
Total, All Occupations 12,388 9.2% $17.36 34%
Educational Instruction & Library Occupations 507 6.3% $17.89 45%
Teaching Assistants, exc. Postsecondary 145 8.1% $14.02 81%
Preschool Teachers, exc. Special Education 90 20.1% $15.64 13%
Substitute Teachers, Short-Term 76 58.5% $19.74 76%
Secondary School Teachers, exc. Special Ed. & Career/Tech Ed. 44 4.0% $23.75 18%
Postsecondary Teachers 39 n/a $24.63 3%
Tutors 31 51.7% $16.95 97%
Special Education Teachers, Secondary School 20 8.0% $21.76 0%
Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten & Elementary 9 5.3% $22.70 11%
Elementary School Teachers, exc. Special Education 8 0.8% $22.32 0%
Source: DEED Job Vacancy Survey

The four Educational occupations mentioned in the previous paragraph as having the highest number of vacancies or vacancy rates are also the four occupations in the Education occupation group with the lowest median wage offers. The $14.02 median hourly wage offer for Teaching Assistants is the lowest by more than $1.60, followed by Preschool Teachers and Tutors, which are both under the median for all occupations in the region. With the exception of Preschool Teachers, each of the four occupations had high shares of vacancies listed as part-time, reflecting the nature of many support positions in the Education field.

Compared to most industries, Educational Services employment has remained relatively resilient over the past several years. Yet the slower than average wage growth is something to be watched as competition for workers remains high and certain positions remain difficult to fill.

For More Information

Contact Carson Gorecki, Labor Market Analyst, at

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