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DEED awards Pilot Re-Entry Competitive Grants to 13 Minnesota Organizations

3/7/2023 8:15:36 AM

St. Paul - Today, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) announced the Pilot Re-Entry Competitive Grant award recipients. Thirteen organizations across the state are being awarded a total of $3 million to provide training and employment services to more than 650 people coming home from Minnesota correctional facilities.

Organizations receiving this funding will provide one-on-one career counseling and job search navigation, short and long-term skills training including on-the-job training and case management and support services, such as assistance with transportation and childcare. These services will be provided to Minnesota residents who have not worked for at least 15 weeks in the past year and are within six months of release from a State of Minnesota correctional facility or jail.

"These critically needed funds will assist individuals who are involved in the justice system to connect with employment and training services plus support services before and after their release," said DEED Deputy Commissioner for Workforce Development Marc Majors. "Many justice system-involved people have the ability, talent and skills to begin employment when they return to their communities, but they are often an overlooked talent pool – a group of workers we hope Minnesota employers will seriously consider for their employment opportunities."

"More than 95% of those who are in prison today will return to their families and communities," said Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) Commissioner Paul Schnell. "Providing employment training, job search assistance and other support to those being released dramatically lowers recidivism and makes Minnesota safer, while helping individuals support themselves and their families and Minnesota employers find the workforce they need to thrive."

DEED issued a request for proposals for the Pilot Re-Entry Competitive Grant Program in October. Seven Twin Cities Metro organizations and six Greater Minnesota organizations were selected to receive the funding after a competitive process involving DEED and DOC staff and volunteer community reviewers. Funding for this pilot program comes from the state's Workforce Development Fund.

The following organizations were awarded funds:

AccessAbility, Inc. - $275,000

Anoka County Job Training Center - $275,000

Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services, Inc. - $200,000

EMERGE Community Development - $300,000

Global Fatherhood Foundation - $174,000

Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota - $300,000

Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership - $77,000

Minneapolis Community and Technical College - $200,000

Red Lake Nation - Oshkiimaajitahdah - $174,000

Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc. - $300,000

Soar Career Solutions - $175,000

Twin Cities Rise (TCR) - $250,000

Workforce Development, Inc. - $300,000

The Governor and Lieutenant Governor's budget proposes building and expanding connections with public and private employers, the trades, and community colleges and other postsecondary institutions to connect justice system-involved individuals with jobs. Learn more about workforce development-related proposals in the One Minnesota Budget.



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