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Governor Walz, Senator Klobuchar, Senator Smith Announce Minnesota Has Secured Over $650 Million to Expand Broadband Access

6/26/2023 9:25:50 AM


[ST. PAUL, MN] – Governor Tim Walz today announced that Minnesota will receive nearly $652 million from the federal government to build on the state's efforts to expand broadband coverage and connect Minnesotans and businesses across the state with high-speed internet. This announcement follows $100 million in broadband infrastructure funding Governor Walz signed into law this legislative session.

"In Minnesota, we've made historic investments to connect more homes, businesses, and communities with the high-speed internet that today's economy requires. The funding will help us make sure those efforts reach each end every household across our state," said Governor Walz. "Minnesota has an ambitious goal to increase broadband access and a collection of providers ready to expand our high-speed network, and we're grateful our federal partners are helping us pursue broadband for all."

"We're working hard to increase broadband access so more Minnesotans can connect online to work, school, telehealth, and their loved ones," said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. "We know that these connections and services aren't a nice to have – they're a must have in our increasingly digital world. The new funding provided today will benefit Minnesotans everywhere as we connect more people to broadband as quickly as possible."

"We should be able to bring high-speed internet to every family in America — regardless of their zip code. With this federal funding we will reach every corner of Minnesota by bringing needed high-speed internet access to schools, homes, and health care centers," said Senator Klobuchar. "This funding is based on a bill I introduced that passed as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and as co-chair of the Senate Broadband Caucus, I'll keep working across the aisle to make sure all Minnesotans can reliably access the high-speed internet they need."

"Broadband is the infrastructure of the 21st Century. It isn't just nice to have, it's essential if we're going to build an economy that works for everyone," said Senator Smith. "This funding, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, means that thousands more Minnesotans will gain access to affordable, high-speed internet—and the economic opportunity, education and health care that comes along with internet access. I'm proud of our work to secure these investments and will continue fighting to ensure that every Minnesotan, regardless of their zip code, has access to high-speed broadband."

The new funding, created by the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, will go toward broadband infrastructure deployment grants to be administered by the Department of Employment and Economic Development's (DEED) Office of Broadband Development.

The Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act, Klobuchar's legislation with Former House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) to expand high-speed internet nationwide, served as the basis for this program created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Today's announcement comes as Minnesota pursues its goal of offering high-speed broadband to all homes and businesses in the state by 2026. DEED's premier Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program has connected over 103,000 homes and businesses since 2014, having awarded nearly $296 million to over 270 grantees. In May, Governor Walz signed legislation providing $100 million to the program next biennium.

"Broadband is an economic and societal imperative," said DEED Commissioner Matt Varilek. "Widely available broadband will help more Minnesotans find a good job or launch a business regardless of geography. Today's announcement is a boon for Greater Minnesota and anywhere Minnesotans struggle to connect to high-speed broadband."

"This strong allocation reflects the work of so many Minnesotans who advocate on behalf their communities every day," said DEED Office of Broadband Development Executive Director Bree Maki. "We're excited to work with our provider partners to connect more Minnesotans to the broadband they need."

Minnesota's federal broadband funding comes from the U.S. Commerce Department's Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program. The allocation is based in part on new mapping, created by state officials, broadband providers, stakeholders, and citizens, that illustrates the need for broadband expansion across Minnesota. 

Federal officials are expected to release more broadband funding to states early next year; the federal Digital Equity Program will enable states to develop an inclusive ecosystem in which all residents, organizations, and businesses have the digital access and tools necessary to thrive.


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