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Jobs up by 4,400 in Minnesota; State Marks a Half Year of Steady Labor Force Growth

9/19/2023 8:48:37 AM

St. Paul - Minnesota gained 4,400 jobs from July to August and the labor force grew for a sixth straight month, according to data released today by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).

Minnesota and U.S. employment both grew 0.1% over the month, with Minnesota's private sector job growth – up 4,800 jobs in August – outpacing national private sector job growth. With 3,225 people entering the labor force last month, the labor force participation rate held steady over-the-month at 68.5% and Minnesota's unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a point to 3.1% in August.

"More people are joining the labor force, and our continued labor force growth is great news for Minnesota employers, many of whom continue to look for the workers they need in our tight labor market," said DEED Commissioner Matt Varilek. "It's also great news for Minnesotans who are preparing for and finding employment. DEED and our workforce development partners are ready to help both employers and job seekers meet their employment goals."

Minnesota's job growth is likely constrained by our very tight labor market and the fact that a smaller percentage of people are not already engaged in the labor force in this state compared to the nation as a whole – so there are fewer people to draw in off the sidelines. At 62.8%, the national labor force participation rate is nearly six percentage points lower than Minnesota's.

Other notable employment information released today:

  • Five supersectors in Minnesota gained jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis from July to August, including: Construction up 1,700 jobs; Education & Health Services up 1,700 jobs; Leisure & Hospitality up 2,600 jobs; Manufacturing up 400 jobs; and Other Services up 600 jobs.
  • Five supersectors in Minnesota lost jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis over the month: Financial Activities down 500 jobs; Government lost 400 jobs; Information down 200 jobs; Professional & Business Services down 1,000 jobs; and Trade, Transportation & Utilities down 500 jobs.
  • Four supersectors in Minnesota outpaced the nation in job growth over the year: Construction up 5,905 jobs, up 4.0% compared to 2.6% nationally; Government added 9,293 jobs, up 2.4% compared to 1.8% nationally; Trade, Transportation & Utilities gained 7,610 jobs, up 1.4% compared to 0.3% nationally; and Information added 54 jobs, up 0.1% compared to a loss of 1.9% nationally.

September is Workforce Development Month in Minnesota, a time to celebrate the work of DEED and Local Workforce Development Area staff in CareerForce, as well as that of our non-profit workforce development partners across the state.

Visit the DEED website to view state and national employment statistics, monthly jobs numbers and data. You can also find alternative measures of unemployment on the DEED website. In addition, see related articles about job growth and labor market changes in the latest issue of Minnesota Employment Trends. Access resources to help Minnesotans prepare for and find employment now at



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