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Dislocated Worker Program a unique insurance policy against economic churn

4/21/2015 10:14:43 AM

An economy clipping along is no preventative against layoffs.

From small business layoffs to larger workforce disruptions affecting well-known organizations – U.S. Steel, Magnetation and Target being recent examples -- Minnesota Dislocated Worker Program staff keep workers throughout the state at the forefront of their efforts.

If you’re an employee facing the loss of a job, the Dislocated Worker Program is like a unique insurance policy that costs you nothing. The program, which has a long history of support from both businesses and labor groups, is funded by federal dollars and by a special Workforce Development Fund assessment on Minnesota employers.

Through the program laid-off employees receive a variety of services designed to help them get back to work, including assistance with exploring new careers, updating skills and learning job-hunting strategies.

Dislocated Worker counselors provide job search tools, such as, networking clubs, and workshops on everything from resume building to interviewing skills.

Training and financial support services are two important components of the program. Training services could include occupational skills training, on-the-job training and entrepreneurial training. Support services include emergency assistance, personal and financial counseling, childcare assistance and transportation and car repairs.

While the Dislocated Worker Program is perhaps best known during economic recessions, these federal and state dollars help people overcome the challenges of unexpected job loss every day.

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